Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

5 Foods "Bad" Your Payer Consumption

You can avoid nuts because it was considered fattening? You are forbidden to eat the yolk as concerned about heart health? Make sure you get the truth about what foods are considered bad, but it was beneficial to health.

Some foods are considered healthy was found to have a bad reputation for health, so the opposite. Here, the food "unhealthy" you need to eat as we eat.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter can be avoided due to the growth of organs. The good news, peanut butter is high in fat, but that does not mean fattening (add or lose weight, fat mass and, more fundamentally a balance between calories).

In addition, the peanut butter provides protein, folic acid and vitamin B is essential for the development of healthy new cells. This means that the peanut butter is a concentrated source of calories, so you need not fear. Just one or two tablespoons (90 calories) of peanut butter for calories your body needs.


The egg yolk is an important source of dietary cholesterol, which is forbidden for those who care about heart health. The truth is, medical experts point out that saturated fat and trans fat is the cause of a greater role in improving blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol.

In addition, mengeyangkan eggs. In one study, people who eat a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, feel more satisfied and eat less at lunch than when they ate a bagel (a type of bread), which has the same number of calories. The yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin, compounds according to the research associated with a lower risk of age-related degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in people over 50 years.


Beef high in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, so that people who care about the heart must be avoided. In fact, a piece of meat is low fat source of protein and iron, a mineral that is important to get oxygen from lungs to all cells of the body and many women (childbearing age) is less mengasupnya .

There are many cuts of steaks such as filet mignon, filet, steak, flank steak, and so on. If you do not remember the type, simply select beef, dark red with a relatively small portion.


Chocolate has lots of fat, sugar and great taste, so it must be bad for your health. Good news, the dark chocolate contains flavanols, an antioxidant that has the effect of blood thinners, supports cardiovascular health.

Recently, researchers in Switzerland report that stress hormones to eat dark chocolate (1.4 ounces) each day for two weeks to reduce, including cortisol, in a very depressed person. But, first ensure that the number of calories (1.4 ounces of dark chocolate contains 235 calories).


Potatoes high glycemic index / IM (a measure of how quickly different foods raise your blood sugar in the blood). Food GI value tend to cause increased glucose and insulin, a hormone that helps glucose enter cells, which become a problem for some people, especially diabetasi.

The good news, the potato is a source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C is good. If you eat the potatoes whole, the value becomes Berart IM. A potato with a high GI foods with low GI if you add a little olive oil, because the fat in it helps slow the absorption of carbohydrates from potatoes

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Think Before You Bite

Eat Cleaner The all Natural Fruit, Vegetable, Seafood, Poultry wash,wipe and spray

What happens to our food supply between the field and the fork? Most food has not only traveled thousands of miles, it’s been touched by dozens of hands and doused with who-knows-what, leaving the cleanliness of our meals questionable.

Why use EAT CLEANER™? Because rinsing with water alone is not enough to ensure your produce is as safe for your family’s food supply as it should be. Pesticides, waxes, organic residues and surface contaminants can wreak havoc on your health. Here’s the facts in a nutshell:

SOILS AND DIRT RESIDUE – According to the CDC, fresh manure used to fertilize vegetables can also contaminate them, as is practiced with organically grown foods. Animal feces are the source of many of today's life-threatening foodborne illnesses, particularly E.coli. Because organic standards support the recycling of animal feces as a method of improving soil fertility in croplands, fecal residue on organically grown produce requires attention. EAT CLEANER™? thoroughly removes the soils and dirt residues that can carry these harmful pathogens. Even fruit with peels should be thoroughly cleaned, since those same fingers that touched the skin will be co-mingling with the inner flesh. Imagine getting your own crevices squeaky clean without a nice sudsy shower.

SURFACE CONTAMINANTS: Before your produce gets into your own two hands, it’s traveled an average of 1,500 miles and touched about 20 other people’s grimy mitts. If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, but always peel them first, you may be missing out on a source of fibre and other nutrients. Not only are most fruit and vegetable peels good for you, their bright colours add pizzazz to your meal. Playing it safe and washing thoroughly helps remove any unwanted residue. Even triple-washed bagged salad can be a pathogen playground, so giving them a good spray, soak and spin with the EAT CLEANER™? ‘3-S’ System is the clean way to go.

PESTICIDES: Data from the USDA’s Pesticide Data Program (PDP) show 90 percent or more of conventionally produced apples, peaches, pears and strawberries have pesticide residues. Substances such as Azinphos methyl, a dangerous neurotoxin banned in Europe , commonly found on apples. There is growing scientific consensus that even very small doses of pesticides can adversely affect people, especially during the vulnerable periods of in utero and early childhood development when organ systems are maturing most quickly, when toxic defenses are least established, and when early programming of risks for chronic disease later in life takes place. Exposure to pesticides is linked to chronic diseases including Parkinson’s Disease, child and adult cancers and neurodevelopmental. The bottom line is many pesticides are water-resistant to help withstand the elements, so rinsing them under water just won’t get the job done.

WAXES: Edible wax is applied to trap moisture and keep produce fresh longer, but dirt and pesticide residues can get trapped underneath. Studies have found that American consumers are exposed to toxic chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants as many as 70 times a day. POP exposure has been associated with immune system suppression, nervous and hormonal system disorders, reproductive system damage, and various cancers, including breast cancer. I don’t know about you but I’d rather pass on the paraffin. Snacking on candle wax is overrated.